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  » GUERRILLARADIO RATM TRIBUTE Hits : 734 from : 01/11/2008
Potente tributo ai grandi Rage Against The Machine
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  » ACID BRAINS - GRUNGE BAND Hits : 613 from : 10/02/2001
Sito ufficiale della band lucchese Acid Brains presente nella scena rock underground da oltre 4 anni. Ha all'attivo 2 Cd autoprodotti con un totale di oltre 20 pezzi propri!!
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Commenti (1)      
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15/02/2012 ciao,siamo una band da verona e stimo cercando contatti per suonare live fuori siete interessati a organizzare un evento insieme contattateci.le tredici spezie.3405036499

  » ACIDOROCK Hits : 530 from : 24/05/2007
Il portale del rock alternativo
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Commenti (2)      
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13/06/2007 dovresti fornire piu informazioni e cercare di rendere chiare le impostazioni ke si danno al suono nelle diverse tendenze musicali... marco
25/05/2007 Tutti i concerti rock in Italia li trovate su Acidorock Acidorock

  » ALTERNATIVE CITY Hits : 808 from : 23/05/2004
Il portale alternativo: musica alternativa, band emergenti, droghe alternative, occulto, misteri, esoterismo
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  » ASTRALNETART Hits : 562 from : 26/06/2002
musica magica
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  » BERNA PARK HOTEL Hits : 533 from : 15/10/2001
Una band dell'alto vicentino si propone col suo rock d'avanguardia in un epoca in cui la musica alternativa si confonde col rumore
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  » CANDIES WEB SITE Hits : 466 from : 15/01/2001
web site dedicated to candies noise garage rock punk music italian band that site allow you to reach the news about gigs concerts photoes pics tour album songs biography discography lyrics contacts audios rumors colors links
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  » CHEWMYTONGUE Hits : 492 from : 23/05/2005
Compelling grooves, great riffs and plenty of atmospheres. Chewmytongue is the new fresh sound of indie rock.
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  » CHRIS T-T Hits : 867 from : 09/09/2003
Chris T-T creates fragmented songs that verge of the cool side of lo-fi with his intimate and occasionally gleefully noisy tales of love, life and bus routes!
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  » COURTBAND Hits : 557 from : 14/12/2007
Sito dei COURT band vincitrice al"Los Angeles Music Awards 2007" come "Best Alternative Artist". genere rock prog
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  » DARIO-V FAN CLUB OFFICIAL HOME PAGE Hits : 549 from : 27/04/2002
Here''s a selection of my songs. Psychedelic music free downloads for everybody.
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  » EVERGLADE OFFICIAL WEB SITE Hits : 613 from : 16/03/2006
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  » HELALYN FLOWERS Hits : 1717 from : 24/03/2005
Helalyn Flowers
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  » INDEPENDANT SACRED MINDS Hits : 786 from : 08/12/2002
Heavy metal music from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. This is the real thing, no cheesy fakes, real people playing real metal with real instruments.
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  » LA FAMOSA SQUADRA .G - CARTONI ANIMATI Hits : 457 from : 19/09/2006
band che ripropone le sigle dei cartoni animati più belli dagli anni '70 in poi come Jeeg, daitarn III, Heidi, Gigi la trottola, Sampei, l'incantevole Creamy, forza Sugar e tanti altri ancora....con tanta passione e allegria.... il divertimento è as ...»
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  » LOSINGTODAY "THE INDIE MUSIC MAGAZINE" Hits : 647 from : 28/04/2001
LOSINGTODAY e' la rivista di musica INDIE di produzione italiana alla ribalta negli USA, dove e' in vedita nei VIRGIN MEGASTORES, BORDERS, TOWER RECORDS, B&B e HMV. Ogni numero esce con allegato un CD compilation!
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  » MARYLEBONE POWER ROCK PSICHEDELIA Hits : 482 from : 21/02/2001
Marylebone Audio, Pics, Lyr and much more about this band from Rome
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  » MISSFLAG OFFICIAL SITE- ALTERNATIVE MUSIC Hits : 543 from : 08/08/2005
Alternative rock band,Free mp3s, forums,Gallery and more...!
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  » MUSIQUE Hits : 647 from : 28/07/2001
Sound community di musica undergrond, alternativa nazionale ed internazionale, con ampia sezione dedicata al cinema ed editoria. Presenti anche Chat, Forum, SMS, Messaggeria, Annunci. E' prevista una collaborazione attiva dell'utente.
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  » ONOMATOPEA Hits : 439 from : 21/02/2004
Onomatopea: the debut cd. Delia Lyn - vocals, guitar, flute, hawaiian nose flute. Andy Pietropaolo - 6 string bass guitar, keys, programming and sampling, backing vocals.
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Altre categorie in "Music" : 60s-70s-80s Music :: Agenzie di promozione :: Alternativa :: Antica tradizionale :: Archivi musicali :: Artisti italiani :: Artisti stranieri :: Associazioni Organizzazioni :: Audio servizi :: Awards :: Bands gruppi italiani :: Bands gruppi stranieri :: Bluegrass :: Blues :: Business :: Case discografiche :: Celtica :: Chat forum :: Classica :: Classifiche charts :: Club disco europe :: Club disco Italy :: Club disco world :: Compositori autori :: Composizione scrittura :: Country west :: Da film soundtracks :: Disco tendence :: DJs diskjokey :: DJ's diskjokey :: DJs resources :: DJs services :: DJ's services :: Donne in musica :: Editori publishers :: Elettronica computer :: Eventi avvenimenti :: FanClub :: Festival concerti :: Flamenco :: Folk tradizione :: Gospel celestial :: Gothic new wave :: Hip Hop :: Industrial :: Jazz acid jazz :: Karaoke :: Latino americano :: Lirica opera :: Live Tv :: Locali live Italy :: Locali live world :: Magazine news :: Mailing Lists :: Manager agenti :: Mercatini live :: Metal hard rock :: Midi files :: Mp3 :: Mp3 software :: New Age :: Orchestre cori :: Progressive :: Punk obscure :: Radio :: Rap :: Reggae ragga :: Review news :: Risorse per musicisti :: Rock pop :: Rock pop :: Rockabilly :: Rock-n-Roll :: Scuole corsi :: Servizi vari :: Shopping Cd audio :: Ska :: Software audio :: Soul funky :: Sound samples :: Sperimentale :: Storia della musica :: Strumenti musicali :: Strumenti store :: Swing :: Teatro teatri :: Televisione :: Testi accordi :: Varie altro :: Webcasts broadcasts :: World fusion ::