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Ennesima stagione di successo, siamo alla decima, per il club più conosciuto della capitale. Nell’immaginario collettivo pochi sono i locali notturni, dai bar alle discoteche, dai music club agli spazi multiperformances, che veramente incidono sulla cultura di una città, sui gusti e le tendenze di una o più stagioni. Chiedere ad esempio, a un romano, se conosce il Goa è assolutamente inutile, la risposta è sempre e comunque affermativa. Da 10 anni infatti, questo locale dalle mille facce, è promotore instancabile di tendenze, novità e cultura musicale, il Goa potrebbe essere definito la sintesi essenziale di come deve essere oggi un club.
L’ambiente è iper-curato e lo stile etno lascia quest'anno spazio ad un design più moderno e post-industriale, le linee si fanno semplici ma eleganti, i colori più scuri. Da queste parti si osserva quel tocco di magia proprio solo dei posti più esclusivi: musica sempre all'avanguardia, star e dj internazionali che fanno a gara per farsi "invitare" (Kruder & Dorfmeister, Howie B, Deep Dish, Sven Vath, Timo Maas, Tony Humphries, Carl Cox, Richie Hawtin, Tiga...bastano?), gente veramente "fashion" e serate sempre diverse.
La musica in effetti è l'aspetto veramente trainante del Goa, la ricerca da queste parti non ha limiti, più che mode e tendenze, trite e ri-trite, qui l'unica cosa che conta è essere avanti coi tempi, lanciare proposte nuove e sempre interessanti, possibilmente slegate dai cliché radiofonici e delle chart commerciali.

Consegna a mano a Roma
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Per info e prevendite:
Tommy 3382476809


With such a statement it's obvious Dennis Ferer's passion for music is beyond question, and this unquenchable thisrt is largely, attributableto his childhood: one of his earliest recollections is thinking theivories of a toy piano aged four in a soul-and-disco-obsessed NYC house hold
Another vivid memory is as an eight-year-old, making after-school trips to local record shops to buy rap records, as both his ears and imagination were captured by the birth of hip hop in and around his New York neighborhood.
'I was born in 1970 but I'm more a child of the early 1980s and late 1970s onwards: As a kid I remember chic's Le Freak, and Rapper’s Delight” he recalls.
He also scoured the Columbia Records catalogue that his parents and aunts would use to purchase their music, and bought records with interesting names, such as the Doobie Brothers, or Kiss because of their striking LP covers. 'They were great times. We listened to Chic, Sugar Hill, Kiss, Rush and AC/DC - everything rolled side by side, there were no genres or the genres were easy listening, rock and soul.’
‘And that's my approach to music today: I grew up in the whatever age, where you would listen to everything and I'm doing the same thing now,' continues Ferrer. 'That's why people are surprised by my variety like if I do a tech thing, or an Afro thing, or a soulful record. That's the way I grew up. I didn't listen to one type of music.'
Ferrer is quite literally an exceptional producer, in that he writes 90% of what you hear on one of his records, from lyrics to melodies to beats. His specialty is songs ('That's what I grew up with and that's what wrong with this business, there's not enough songs'). Forthcoming LP, The World As I See It, redresses this imbalance: with a healthy representation of song-based house - or dance music with feeling and a message.
He is also exceptional because he's the anti-thesis of the anonymous dance music producer: he uses his real name - no pseudonyms, monikers, or abbreviations. That's because he's prepared to stand up and be counted, putting blood, sweat and tears into his records: 'This is who I am, this is not my job, this is what I love to do: when you get one of my records, there's quality - you're not getting cheated, I put my heart in it.'

Contact: Tommy
Tel : 3382476809
Web Address: www.b-yourself.it

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